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Winter Wellbeing Tips

Embrace the winter months with these top tips for looking after your mind and body by prioritising self-care this holiday season.
Winter log cabin in the snow surrounded by mountains and trees.  Part of the Winter Wellbeing Tips Blog from Kinder Cookhouse

We all have our markers for December, the first frosty morning, the warming scent of orange and cinnamon, the glow of Christmas lights in the village windows, all our senses whisper together “Christmas is coming”.

Do you find December to be a month of celebration and festive fizz, or does the holiday season feel heavy this year leaving you more of a fizzle? As small business owners we are often our own worst enemies at times when it comes to perfectionism in our business - we clock in but never clock out! Combine this with the additional pressures and emotions this season can bring, something feels like it needs to give and I don’t want that to be you.

The pressure we put upon ourselves this time of year, to find everyone just the right gift, host the perfect Christmas party, help the children with their lines for the school nativity, work through the night making stock for the extra craft show you’ve squeezed into your already heaving schedule just to maximise the festive season for your business, we’ve all been there. It’s no wonder you feel like the spinning plates you have precariously balancing could come crashing down at any given moment.

Lady sat with a blanket and a cup of coffee in her hand.

I don’t just want you to get by this winter I want you to thrive and that starts with prioritising you. The choices and daily routines we make for ourselves in the first few weeks of December can affect the way we feel for the entire season and how we emerge going into the new year.

So, grab yourself your beverage of choice, a cosy blanket and lets catch up for a minute or two.

Mother nature herself may have pulled the duvet up over her head and tucked herself in for a winters rest and whilst unrealistic for us to completely throw away our schedule and lounge all day, surely, we can take a moment or two for ourselves. Take some time to focus on the seasonal essentials and remember the simplest of actions like a walk in the winter sun, treating our skin to a deeply nourishing moisturiser or simply taking five minutes for a coffee in front of the crackling fire for quiet contemplation without a phone or laptop to hand. This is the season I seek out small moments of joy and live by the seasonal pillars of Restore, Revive, Nourish, Nurture, Sooth.

I’m sharing four of my favourite winter wellbeing tips to inspire you to take some time for yourself this month as a little self-care and guilt free indulgence can be so soothing for the soul.

Tip #1 - Surround Yourself In Comfort

Lady applying essential oils to skin by candlelight.  Part of the Winter Wellbeing Tips from the Kinder Cookhouse Blog

Make the season as comfortable and as indulgent as possible whilst we hunker down and nest, bring in all your senses.

The smallest of luxuries can be key to maintaining our self-care throughout the winter months. Most importantly, make them easily accessible so we remember to use them.

Adding cosy textures like a thick blanket to the arm of your favourite work chair can add a refreshing boost to your winter home and keep you cosy whilst you work away on your laptop.

A new aromatherapy bath oil will entice you into the tub at the end of the day and encourage a relaxing soak to ease tired muscles. For a dreamy bath oil combination try mixing ylang-ylang with lavender or rose, remember pure essential oils are best dispersed in a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil before adding to your bath.

Turn down the noise, it's easy watching to have reruns of our favourite TV show playing in the background but try switching it out for soothing seasonal music whilst you work or eat dinner instead. It creates a slow soothing ambience promoting calm in a season of excessive stimulus and noise.


Candlelight is one of my favourite rituals throughout wintertime.

Embrace the darker days, unlike bright sunlight which can be too strong for the eyes the soft flicker of a candle flame promotes tranquillity and brings a softness to the room. The simplest of suppers can be elevated with the addition of a few candles on the table.

My preferred are those made from soy wax which burn clean so are soot free and tend to last much longer than the traditional paraffin candles.

Tip #2 - Connect With Your Creativity

Research suggests that adults who make more time for playfulness in their days also report lower levels of stress. Doing things that bring you joy has a relaxing effect that counteracts stress and improves mental health.

Christmas cookies cooling on a rack

When you craft for work it’s easy to forget the simple pleasure of creating something beautiful for no other reason than fun. Children are innate experts of this and we’ll happily schedule in play dates for them knowing the importance it has on their development and wellbeing. Research shows that play is just as important for adults as it is for children as it helps us cope better with everyday stress buildup.

This is a time to re-connect with your creativity. Any activity you do recreationally that brings you joy counts as playing, try and remember the activities you enjoyed most as a child or simply try something new, a new sport, a new recipe, painting, have you always had a passion for writing short stories?

Whatever works for you, schedule time to play knowing that it can have substantial benefits for your wellbeing.

Tip #3 - Set Your Alarm An Hour Before Bed

Yes, you heard me right, set your alarm at least an hour Before your ideal bedtime.

This is your call to sign off from work completely. Be strict with yourself as soon as that bell rings, put down the project, close the laptop, the world can wait until morning.

Allow yourself some time to wind down before your head hits the pillow, if you find your mind still whirling with ideas, inspiration and tasks that need completing mind map for 10-15 minutes, once it’s written down it can be actioned tomorrow.

As a natural early bird I find this method actively boosts my productivity, whilst it may seem counterintuitive to go to bed early or spend more time on ourselves and not our business this time of year you’ll be far more efficient getting up an hour earlier in the morning after giving yourself and your mind space to settle before bed.

Tip #4 - Winterize Your Workout Routine

If you’re used to running, cycling and other cardiovascular activities which are glorious with the addition of a Summer’s Day the thought of exercising in the freezing winter rain can leave you demotivated.

Winter walking in the snow.  One of the Winter Wellbeing Tips from the Kinder Cookhouse Blog

Adapt your routine to coincide with the gentler rest the season respects. Wrapping up the layers and bracing the cold with a brisk morning walk or hike in the winter sun can give you a much needed dose of vitamin D and helps keep your body clock aligned with it's natural circadian rhythm, keeping you energised throughout the day.

Or an evening yoga practice in the comfort of our own home by candlelight is an indulgent way to wind down at the end of a busy day.

When it comes to taking care of ourselves in the winter months, we need our physical activity to be fun and not another chore we simply have to endure. We’ve all heard the benefits regular exercise has on our mental and physical health, find a way which motivates you to maintain movement throughout the winter months.

Let’s Recap,

There we have my favourite winter wellbeing tips: Life’s little luxuries lead to an indulgent celebration of the colder, darker months. Turn down the noise and bring in all your senses to appreciate all this season has to offer. Reconnect with your creativity and make time for playfulness. Maintain movement in whatever form you enjoy, whether it’s 10 minutes of gentle stretching in the evening or a sunrise hike in the winter frost.

As a bonus before you go, when its cold outside and we need an indulgent little luxury what better way to warm up than with a decadent homemade hot chocolate, here are a few of my favourite recipes to enjoy this winter.

Winter Hot Chocolate Recipe

Indulgent Hot Chocolate Recipe from the Winter Wellbeing Tips Blog from Kinder Cookhouse


Serves 2

350ml Whole Milk

75g Cocoa, Plus a Little Extra For Dusting

50g Good Quality Chocolate

Vanilla Extract

Chocolate Shavings to Serve

Your Favourite Toppings

Step 1.

Chop up 50g of chocolate into small chunks - I like a mix of milk and dark chocolate.

Step 2.

In a small saucepan, heat a tablespoon of hot water with the cocoa powder and whisk until all the lumps are dissolved.

Add the milk and stir until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Step 4.

Once the first tiny bubbles begin to appear in the milk, add the chunks of chocolate and continue heating, stirring slowly but constantly, until the chocolate has melted. Do not let the milk boil. Add a few drops of good quality vanilla extract.

Step 5.

Place half of the mixture in a blender and carefully blend until it has the desired degree of frothiness. Repeat with the remaining mixture.

Step 6.

Divide between two mugs, top with marshmallows and whipped cream, dust with cocoa powder and decorate with chocolate shavings.

Recipe Variations

  • Add a couple of drops of good-quality almond extract to your batch of hot chocolate.

  • Spice it up with a pinch of ground cinnamon, nutmeg and a hint of cayenne pepper.

  • Add a dash or two of Monin Rose Syrup for a Turkish delight twist to your hot chocolate.



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